November 2016 |
7 |
頁數:135-182 |
客家電影《一八九五》的青少年閱聽人解讀與詮釋 |
The Signification of Hakka Film in the Interpretation of Hakka Youth |
作者 |
張玉佩、黃如鎂 |
Author |
Yu-pei Chang and Ju-mei Huang |
關鍵詞 |
客家電影、閱聽人研究、青少年 |
Keywords |
Hakka Film, Audience Research, Youth |
摘要 |
研究結果,有三。第一,在文本優勢意義上,《一八九五》建構出一個完美無缺的單面向客家英雄與明確階層性的族群關係。第二,在青少年解讀策略上,客家青少年採用批評、諷刺與嘲弄的解讀策略,非客家青少年多能接受文本的優勢意義。第三,客家青少年的詮釋,基於深層日常生活經驗的語言傷痕、宗族祭祀等面向。最後,本研究凸顯出客家青少年的客家認同,是輾轉而隱約潛藏在青少年反叛語言之後、以日常生活經驗來面對客家電影的意義共鳴。 |
Abstract |
As a common perception of social structure, Hakka films is an important media through which the young generation receive, understand and construct the images of Hakka. The purpose of the article is to explore the preferred meaning hidden in the film, Blue Brave: The Legend of Formosa 1895, and how the young audience interpret the film. We use three research methods in this study, including text analysis, focus group discussions and interviews.
The conclusion of the study is in three parts. Firstly, this film
demonstrates the perfect image of a Hakka hero without human weaknesses,
and a clear hierarchy based on ethnic backgrounds. Secondly, the Hakka youths are more critical of the image of the Hakka hero in the film—in a harsh and ironic way with and mockery— while the non-Hakka youths showed a more accepting attitude to the Hakka story and the Hakka hero. Thirdly, the Hakka youths have more resonance from their special Hakka pronunciation tone and culture conflicts in everyday life. Overall, the Hakka youths have the reflexive thinking based on life experiences and does do not take all the preferred meaning of Hakka story. |