November  2016 7
Book Review. Taiwan Hakka (by Chang-tay Chiou)
作者 曾建元
Author Chien-yuan Tseng
關鍵詞 客家、臺灣、還我母語運動、客家基本法、丘昌泰
Keywords Hakka, Taiwan, Movement of Giving Back My Mother Tongue, Hakka Fundamental Law, Chang-tay Chiou
摘要 本文為丘昌泰在中華人民共和國出版的著作《臺灣客家》之書評,丘昌泰以社會科學方法診斷臺灣客家人族群認同和文化傳承的危機,回顧與前瞻臺灣客家人如何經由社會運動、政治參與和公共政策等途徑追求文化復振的努力。本文也試就臺灣客家研究過去相對不受重視的明末臺灣客家以及當代中國客家和海外客家移民臺灣問題提出對話,更直指本書在中華人民共和國政治干預下對於臺灣客家真實狀況的遮掩或迴避所可能造成的誤解。
Abstract This book review examines Chang-tay Chiou's work, Taiwan Hakka, which was published in the People's Republic of China. This book diagnoses Taiwanese Hakka's crisis of ethnic identity and cultural inheritance, using social scientific methods toreviewand foresee how Taiwanese Hakka people work hard to pursue their cultural revival through some approaches, such as social movement, political participation and public policy making. This book review tries to shed light on the topics about Hakka immigration to Taiwan during late Ming dynasty and China Hakka and oversea Hakka immigration to Taiwan in contemporary time. Moreover, it criticizes some misinterpretation of the real situation of Taiwan Hakka in this book for the possibly unfair political intervention by the government of the People's Republic of China.


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