November 2021 |
17 |
頁數:1-48 |
殊異的共同體:臺灣南、北客家菁英的社會網絡(1987-1999) |
Heterogeneous Community: Social Networks of Northern and Southern Taiwanese Hakka Elites During 1987-1999 |
作者 |
張皓 |
Author |
Hao Chang |
關鍵詞 |
泛臺灣客家認同、客家運動、客家菁英、本質化敘事、社會網絡分析 |
Keywords |
Hakka Identity, Hakka Movements, Hakka Elite, Narratives of Essentialism, Social Network Analysis |
摘要 |
Abstract |
This study investigates the social networks of Hakka elites during 1987-1999 to explore whether the consensus mobilization of “Taiwanese Hakka identity” can convert into the mobilization of social movements. Social network analysis is used to examine the social interactions between the southern and northern Hakka elites from 1987 to 1999. The finding shows that the political connotation of “Taiwanese Hakka identity” did not necessarily lead to the cross-regional mobilization of Hakka elites. In addition to the common cognition of ethnicity, the regional identity, political ideology and issue preferences also played key factors for the action mobilization. The finding proves that the Hakka image cannot fully explain the social movements of Hakka people.