May  2014 2
From the “Guest” to the Hakka (2): the Emergence, Transformation, and Spread of the Term Hakka on the Eastern Quangdong
作者 施添福
Author T'ien-fu Shih
關鍵詞 本貫主義、方言主義、「客家」、客家、移民、自稱、他稱、傳教士
Keywords the Principle of Bon-Gwan, the Principle of Ethno-Linguistic, “Guest”, Hakka, Immigrants, Self-Identity, Given Identity, Missionaries
摘要 本文的主要目的,在釐清客家名稱的歷史性和地域性。全文主要包括二大部份:首先討論自明中葉以降廣東惠州府和廣、肇兩府的移民史,以及這些地區的土著對異邑移民的各種稱謂和這些稱謂的貶義化過程。其次,探討歐美傳教士鑄造「Hakka•客家」標記及其傳播的過程。



Abstract The paper aims to clarify the origins of the term Hakka (客家) and the territorial domain related to the term. The first part of the paper discusses the migration history of Huizhou (惠州), Guangzhou (廣州), and Zhaoqing(肇慶)Prefectures of Quangdong (廣東) since the mid-15th century and the process of the derogatory naming of the immigrants by the inhabitants. The second part explores how the term Hakka was coined by Western missionaries and later spread. The main focus of the paper is where the term Hakka as an ethno-linguistic term came from and how it turned into a self-identifying label. The paper argues for the following three main points.

First, the term Hakka as an ethno-linguistic term was molded by Western missionaries after the mid-19th century. Before that, the term Hakka referred to the idea of Bon-gwan (本貫). Since most of the immigrants, who shared similar colloquial speech to Guangzhou and Zhaoqing, were from the Chaozhou (潮州), Huizhou, and Jiaying (嘉應) prefectures of northeastern Quangdong, there was an opportunity for the missionaries to approach this group of people through a common language.

Second, according to the idea of Bon-gwan (本貫), the term Hakka, or “Guest (客)”, had derogatory connotations for the inhabitants of Guangzhou and Zhaoqing Prefectures. After the missionaries used the Cantonese pronunciation of “Guest” and spelled it in Latin script as “Hakka,” and later applied the term to the same group of people, together with the Punti (本地) and the Hoklo (福老), the 3 major ethno-linguistic groups in Quangdong, the term Hakka became neutral. The political and military Hakka elite later accepted the term as a self-identifying label after the spread of the history, language, and ethnography of Hakka by the missionaries to the world, which gradually transformed their image into that of Han people of high standing.

Third, the churches, schools, and hospitals established by the missionaries in the Hakka areas served as a network for the spread of the concept of Hakka as an ethno-linguistic term. In the early 20th century the term Hakka had become widely accepted. Then based on this concept of Hakka, Lo Hsiang-lin (羅香林) published his Introduction to Hakka Studies (客家研究導論) in 1933, which became the first milestone of Hakka Studies.


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