徵稿啟事 Call for Papers




Call for Papers

This Journal is focused on the development of Hakka Studies worldwide, and aims to encourage the research of Hakka societies on a regional, national and transnational scale. The Hakka, who constitute an important segment of the Han Chinese diaspora, are often thought of as a population who have been and continue to be ‘on the move.’ As the saying goes, the Han Chinese have spread throughout the world as wide as the sea, and among these Han immigrants, you can always find the Hakka. However, until recently, much of the research carried out on the overseas Han population has tended to view the Han Chinese as a whole. As a result, the distinction of the Hakka is on the whole overlooked. In view of this, we hope to build a platform by which international scholars of different disciplines can share their knowledge of the Hakka. The purpose of Global Hakka Studies, therefore, is to promote an international dialogue and inspire collaboration in the field of Hakka Studies and to draw attention to the issues of ethnicity, migration, diaspora, and the debates between the global and the local. Global Hakka Studies is a Semi-Annual Journal. The first issue will be published in November, 2013.

一、來稿類型  Author Guidelines

本期刊歡迎各領域與客家相關的研究議題與成果,收稿類別包括研究論文(Research Article)、研究/田野紀要(Research/ Fieldwork Note)與評論(Book Review/ Comment,來稿中文、英文、客語不拘。

1. 研究論文:報導原創性研究成果之正式論文(25,000字以內)。

2. 研究/田野紀要:用以開發特定議題或引發概念討論,偏重於資料之整理、檢討、田野調查心得或初步分析之論文(15,000字以內)。

3. 評論:全球各地出版之學術專書、具有「客家研究」旨趣的影像紀錄片、電影、媒體節目、展示事件、表演事件所撰寫之評論(5,000字以內)。     


We welcome articles of all disciplines concerning the issues affecting the Hakka and Hakka communities. The types of article we are looking for include: " Research Article " (maximum words: 25,000), "Research/ Fieldwork Notes" (maximum words: 15,000), and "Book Review/ Commentary" (maximum words: 5,000). Articles may be written in Chinese, English or Hakka.


二、論文格式   Style and Formatting

1. 來稿請用MS-WORD電腦打字,本刊編審作業完全以電子檔案傳送。

2. 稿件順序:首頁、中英文摘要、正文(含圖表)、附錄、參考文獻。

3. 首頁請載明:中英文論文題目、中英文作者姓名、中英文服務機構(以專職為準,不列兼職機關)連絡作者(通訊地址、電話、傳真、E-Mail等資料)、頁首短題(以不超過10個字為原則)。

4. 摘要頁包含題目、中文摘要(300字以內)置於正文前;本刊接受英文長摘要,並置於文後,以不超過一千字為原則。關鍵字(三個以上,五個以下)。

1. Please format your document in Word, and upload the document to our online peer review system.

2. The paper must be ordered as follows: Cover Page, Abstracts (both in Chinese and English), Main Text (including the figures), Appendices, References.

3. On the Cover Page, please provide: Title (both in Chinese and English), name of the author,
affiliated institution (full time), contact method (including postal address, phone number, fax, email, etc.), and running head (less than 10 words).

4. On the Abstract page, please provide title, abstract (1,000 words maximum), and keywords (at least three, but not more than five)

** Please click "Style Guide" in list on the left to download detailed formatting

三、審查方式  Peer Review Process 

1. 論文審查每篇以兩位匿名評審為原則,評審意見分為同意刊出、修改後刊出、修改後重審、不同意刊出四類,評審意見不同時將會送交第三者複查。

2. 本刊來稿隨到隨審,接受稿件之刊登時間依評審進度而定。所有評審程序如未能於三個月內完成者,將由編輯委員會以書面方式向作者說明原委。

1. All submitted papers will be sent for anonymous review by at least two referees.

2. There is no deadline for the submission of the paper. We welcome contributions at any time.  The expected time for the completion of peer review is 3 months.

四 、版權事宜  Copyright and Permissions

1. 本刊不接受已經正式出版或一稿數投的論文。

2. 經刊登之論文,其著作財產權仍歸作者所有,然本刊享有製作電子檔案發行之權利,原作者轉載或轉譯時應告知本刊。

3. 稿件一經採用,本刊致贈當期期刊一冊。

1. Manuscripts must not have been previously published, and must not be under consideration by another journal. The author must also indicate whether the paper is posted on a website other than Global Hakka Studies.    

2. The author is required to transfer copyrights of his/her paper to Global Hakka Studies for
both electronic and print publication. The author reserves the right to use all or part of paper in future works he/she may write, but is quired to inform Global Hakka Studies.

3. The author will receive one copy of the issue, where his/her manuscript is published.   

五、稿件交寄  Submission


We don't accept submissions by e-mail or postal mail. Manuscripts should be submitted online via Global Hakka Studies' submission and peer review website(http://ghk.hakka.nycu.edu.tw/). If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us by email. 



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