May  2014 2
Meihua Lee: Taiwanese Hakka Media and Cultural Communication: Representations, Effects, and Speech Communication
作者 彭文正
Author Weng-jeng Peng
關鍵詞 客家族群媒體、文化傳播、再現、效果、語藝傳播
Keywords Taiwanese Hakka Media, Cultural Communication, Representation, Media Effects, Speech Communication
摘要 本書有三個目的:(一)從媒體再現的角度看行政院客家委員會成立前後6年台灣三家主流報紙如何再現客家形象;(二)探索台灣客家族群媒體的使用者圖像及使用動機與效果;(三)探討客家電視台組織認同與組織文化。
Abstract This book has three goals: (1) To show, from a representational point of view, how the image of the Hakka is represented by Taiwan's three mainstream media. (2) To explore the uses and gratifications of Hakka media, and (3) To study the organizational identity and culture of the television station, Hakka TV.


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