November  2014 3
Sinicization of Native Hakka under the Impact of Chinese Capitalism: on the Crises of Traditional Universalism and Newly-Formulated Taiwan Identity
作者 謝世忠
Author Shih-chung Hsieh
關鍵詞 客家中國化、世界主義、本土認同、文化展演、資本霸業
Keywords Trade in Services, Hakka, Universalism, Native Identity, Sinicized Ethnic Performances
摘要 本文從臺灣客家的兩個認同—傳統的客家世界主義與臺灣本土的認同—思考「服貿」的影響。
Abstract This article focuses on the impact of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement on Hakka Identity in Taiwan.


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