November  2014 3
Book Review: Hakka: The Ethnic Boundary of Han Chinese in South China (by Segawa Masahisa)
作者 連瑞枝
Author Ruizhi Lian
關鍵詞 客家、漢人、族群邊界、華南
Keywords Hakka, Han Chinese, Ethnic Boundary, South China
摘要 本書翻譯自瀨川昌久第一本學術專著《客家-華南漢族のエスニシティーとその境界》,作者從族群邊界人群互動的角度出發,對20世紀80年代以前客家研究的主流論述提出討論。
Abstract This book review examines how the Hakka were put into ethnic boundaries and raises further discussion on related research.


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