November  2014 3
Brief Introduction of Singapore Char Yong (Dabu) Association
作者 何炳彪
Author Phang-how Ho
關鍵詞 茶陽(大埔)會館、茶陽回春醫社、啟發學校、文物館、弘揚客家文化
Keywords Char Yong (Dabu) Association, Char Yong Fei Choon Hospital, Khee Fatt School, Heritage Hall, Promotion of the Hakka Culture
摘要 本會館創立於1858年,宗旨為照顧鄉親、造福鄉梓、興學和做慈善。其後創設茶陽回春醫社(1890年)和啟發學校(1906年;為當時現代學校制度的正規華校之一)。二戰時不幸毀於戰火。1947年,館校社復辦,繼續為社會服務。啟發學校因故於1984年停辦;醫社在1998年後,先後由兩間國際醫療集團繼續經營。在歷屆董事盡心盡力推動下,經歷了150多年,才奠定了今天的規模。文物館設立於2002年,展示會館發展和客家文化特色,並願與各族群努力建設具有各民族特色的新加坡文化。
Abstract The Char Yong Association was established in 1858, our primary objectives being to take care of our clansmen's welfare and education, to promote Hakka culture and to support charity work. “Fei Choon Kwan” (renamed “Char Yong Fei Choon Hospital” later) was set up in 1890 and “Khee Fatt School” (previously, one of the regular Chinese stream schools) in 1906. Unfortunately, the school was destroyed during World War II.

In 1947, the Char Yong Association, together with Khee Fatt School, shifted to a new premises where it continued to provide education to the community. However, the school closed in 1984 due to a decrease in the number of pupils. The new “Qifa Primary School” was built by the Ministry of Education and retained its Chinese name.

“Char Yong Fei Choon Hospital” was leased to two international health groups in different periods of time after 1988. After striving hard for over 150 years, our council members have managed to build up a solid association.

With the Heritage Hall being set up in 2002, we are now able to preserve our Dabu / Hakka heritage and to assist in education, charity, and welfare for its members as well as other communities in Singapore.


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