November  2014 3
The Spiritual Homeland of Hakka in the World: Introduce on Hakka Museum of China
作者 郭新志
Author Xin-zhi Guo
關鍵詞 中國客家博物館、客家、精神家園、客家大觀園
Keywords The Spiritual Homeland of Hakka in the World: An Introduction to Hakka Museum of China
摘要 中國客家博物館原名為廣東客家博物館,於2007年建成,2008年4月8日正式對外開放。2009年3月,經國務院辦公廳批復同意,冠名為「廣東中國客家博物館」。該館是中國內地唯一收藏、研究、展示、傳承客家文化的專題博物館,是中國內地唯一展示客家歷史文物、民俗文物研究成果及客家研究的場所,是中華漢民族諸多民系中唯一的民系文化專題博物館。自開館運營以來,該館堅持以胸懷天下「客」的情懷,融匯世界客家,展示客家世界,以全景展現大客家,著力使之成為維繫海內外客家人攜手並肩、團結奮進的精神紐帶和全球客家人尋根問祖、文化交流的平臺。
Abstract The Hakka Museum of China, formerly known as The Guangdong Hakka Museum, was built in 2007 and on April 8th 2008, was officially opened. In March 2009, it was named “The Guangdong Hakka Museum of China” with the approval of the General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. The institution is the only museum in China which has a collection and and holds exhibitions about Hakka culture, and carries out related researches. Furthermore, it is the only place showing Hakka historical relics and doing folk heritage studies and Hakka researches. In addition, it is a museum specializing in the culture of Han Chinese subgroups. Since 2008, the museum has displayed the world of Hakka and brought the Hakka to the world. It aims to bring the Hakka people of the world together to seek their roots and to communicate.


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