November  2014 3
Book Review: The Study of Hakka Ethnic Relations in Taiwan: Neipu and Wanluan Country in Pingtung (by Shu-ling Lin et al.)
作者 施雅軒
Author Ya-hsuan Shih
關鍵詞 內埔、萬巒、族群關係
Keywords Neipu, Wanluan, Ethnic Relations
摘要 本文針對《臺灣客家族群史專題研究3:臺灣客家族群關係研究-以屏東縣內埔鄉與萬巒鄉為例》一書進行相關評論,主要針對幾個角度進行解析的工作,分別是研究區位背景、語言的空間差異、歷史建構與主體意識等等,來進行討論的工作。
Abstract This article is a review of the book "The history of the Hakka in Taiwan. Topic 3: Study of the Taiwanese Hakka's ethnic relations in Neipu & Wanluan county, Pingtung". The book covers research location background, language and geographical differences, history and consciousness.
This book is very inspiring for the reader and enlightens you about Neipu & Wanluan. The book clearly explains these two places and their interactions with neighboring ethnic Hakka groups.


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