November  2014 3
Introduction: The Controversial Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement and Hakka/Ethnic Studies
作者 許維德
Author Wei-der Shu
關鍵詞 服貿協議、客家研究、族群研究
Keywords Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement, Hakka Studies, Ethnic Studies
摘要 如果從「客家研究」,乃至「族群研究」的角度來看,我們該如何看待「服貿協議」對客家族群與其他弱勢族群的可能影響呢?更進一步講,在對「服貿協議」進行分析時,「族群」又到底是不是個有其「獨特運作邏輯」的「概念」呢?這篇導言回顧了本期「議題論辯」──「服貿」爭議與客家/族群研究──的9篇文章,並將其分成三大類,包括(1). 理解「服貿」爭議的一般性概念架構(i.e., 黃應貴、林秀幸、張翰璧);(2). 「族群」做為理解「服貿」影響的可能變項(i.e., 謝世忠、黃世明、黃智慧);以及(3). 「族群」做為理解「服貿」影響的觀察場域(i.e., 黃紹恆、劉介修、邱星崴)。本導言的結語指出,一方面,我們似乎無法同意「『服貿』對『族群』沒有影響」這樣的說法;另一方面,在對「服貿」之影響進行分析的時候,「族群」雖然在某些場域上是個重要的變項,但在某些場域上卻必須配合其他變項(比如說「地域」)才可能觀察到其影響力。
Abstract What is the possible influence of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (hereafter CSSTA) on the Hakka and other minority groups from the perspective of Hakka / Ethnic Studies? In other words, through analyzing the impact of the CSSTA, is ethnicity really a social fact having an existence of its own in a Durkheimian sense? This introduction gives an overview of the nine articles of Issue and Debates and classifies these writings into three categories: (1) the general framework for analyzing the controversy surrounding the CSSTA (i.e., Ying-kuei Huang, Hsiu-hsin Lin, and Han-pi Chang); (2) treating ethnicity as a possible variable via which this dispute can be comprehended (i.e., Shih-chung Hsieh, Shi-ming Huang, and Chih-huei Huang); and (3) seeing ethnicity as a possible lens through which to view this dispute (i.e., Shaw-herng Huang, Chieh-hsiu Liu and Hsing-wei Chiu). The essay concludes that it cannot be said that the CSSTA has no impact on ethnicity.


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