May  2015 4
郭思嘉(Nicole Constable)著、謝勝利譯:《基督徒心靈與華人精神:香港的一個客家社區》
Book Review: Christian Souls and Chinese Spirits a Hakka Community in Hong Kong (by Nicole Constable)
作者 陳麗華
Author Li-hua Chen
關鍵詞 基督徒、華人、客家、香港
Keywords Christian, Chinese, Hakka, Hong Kong
摘要 本文評論的是一本20餘年前出版的西方人類學專著。書中作者採用了不同的族群理論作為分析工具,探討了香港新界一個客家村落的族群認同,如何在中國人和基督徒兩種原本衝突的身份之下延續。
Abstract This book review examines an anthropological monograph published over twenty years ago. Adopting different ethnic theories as tools of analysis, the author investigates a Hakka village in Hong Kong and explores how the Hakka identity of the villagers continues in the process of negotiating with their conflicting Christian and Chinese identities.


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