May  2015 4
The History and Representation of Hakka Settlement: Great Changes of Contemporary Liuzhangli, Hsinchu, Taiwan
作者 羅烈師
Author Lieh-shih Lo
關鍵詞 饒平客家、單姓聚落、宗族、都市計畫、文化資產
Keywords Raoping Hakka, Settlements with Single Surname, Clansmen, Urban Planning, Cultural Heritage
摘要 臺灣新竹的饒平林氏六張犁聚落創始於乾隆17年(1746),其居民於民國91年(2002)因都市計畫之實施,聚落經區段徵收,規畫為公園而悉數他遷;其建築則大部拆除而僅餘六座合院與廟祠各一;同時,約六成土地轉移國立交通大學,設置客家文化學院,建有兩翼圓樓一座,並於民國99年進駐使用。


Abstract The Lins, residents of the Liuzhangli settlement, founded in 1746, were forced to move out in 2002 due to modern urban development. Most of its buildings were demolished, leaving only six traditional buildings and a temple. Meanwhile, ownership of about two-thirds of the land transferred to the National Chiao Tung University in order to set up the Hakka Cultural College. The main buildings of the College, a round tower with two wings, were finished in 2010.

Thus, we find that the history of Liuzhangli, with its complicated heritage, is far more complex and rich than so called "single surname settlements" suggest. The 2002 resolution to keep the traditional buildings retains and represents the traditional rituals and culture of the Settlement for the public, but the founding of the Hakka College was met with differing demands. Government, clansmen, residents and colleges all had different standpoints, making the preservation of cultural assets related to the settlement so much more difficult.

This case reveals that it is never easy to preserve the culture of the original residents when undergoing urban development and it is a lesson for urban planning in the future and in other places.


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