May  2015 4
Migration Memory and Symbol Construction of Hakka Overseas Chinese: Fieldwork of Chinese Migration Memorial Plaza and World Hakka Overseas Chinese Exhibition Building
作者 何小榮、周雲水
Author He Xiaorong, Zhou Yunshui
關鍵詞 客家華僑、遷徙記憶、符號建構、中國移民紀念廣場、世界客僑展覽館
Keywords Hakka Overseas Chinese, Migration Memory, Symbol Construction, Chinese Migration Memorial Plaza, World Hakka Overseas Chinese Exhibition Building
摘要 廣東梅縣淞口鎮瀕臨梅江之畔,憑藉江邊地勢平坦和水域開闊的優勢,在海運時代發揮著海運商貿和客家人往海外移民的中樞功能。在淞口定位「南洋首站」的基礎上,中國移民紀念廣場及世界客僑展覽館的建設為客家移民海外的歷史做了符號性闡述,有利於梅州進一步推動僑鄉社會經濟發展。
Abstract Songkou town of Mei county in Guangdong province is close to Meijiang river, depending on the advantage of flat terrain and wide water area, which had played role in sea transportation and overseas migration. Based on “the origin of the South Seas” for Songkou town, Chinese Migration Memorial Plaza and World Hakka Overseas Chinese Exhibition Building had made an elaboration for the history of Hakka people migration to overseas, which was in favor of social and economic development in Meizhou taking advantage of strategy of “one road and one area”.


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