November  2015 5
Book Review:The Ethnic History of Hakka in Taiwan,Topic 2: Study of the Hakka Migrations in Ilan County(by Yan-quei Ciou et al.)
作者 黃雯娟
Author Wen-chuan Huang
關鍵詞 客家、福佬客、家族、遷徙、宜蘭
Keywords Hakka, Holo-hakka, Family, Migration, Ilan
摘要 本書是邱彥貴主持的宜蘭客家研究計劃成果,定名為《發現客家-宜蘭地區客家移民的研究》,研究群透過詳實的田野訪問,記錄閩籍客家移民群的家族、居住區域、語言特性與社經動態,讓一個原本客家氛圍很弱的宜蘭地域,能透過閩籍客家的特色建構,強化了宜蘭客家的特殊性格。
Abstract This book review examines the book "The Ethnic History of Hakka in Taiwan,Topic 2: Study of the Hakka migrations in Ilan county". This book records the families, location , language and social economic to construct the special characters of Ilan Hakka.


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