November  2015 5
The Hakka Research Institute of Jiaying University
作者 宋德劍、冷劍波
Author De-jian Song, Jian-bo Leng
關鍵詞 嘉應學院、客家研究院、粵臺客家文化
Keywords Jiaying University, The Hakka Research Institute, Hakka Culture of Guangdong and Taiwan
摘要 始創於1990年代的嘉應學院客家研究院,目前已經成為全球客家研究的重鎮,在客家文化研究與客家文化傳播等方面取得一定成績,目前正依託「粵臺客家文化傳承與發展協同創新中心」致力於粵臺客家文化研究與傳承創新。
Abstract The Hakka Research Institute of Jiaying University was founded in 1990, it has become the center of Hakka studies in the world. Hakka Research Institute has made some achievements in the research of Hakka culture and Hakka cultural dissemination. The Hakka Research Institute is now based on "The Collaborative Innovation Centre of Guangdong and Taiwan's Hakka cultural heritage and development" is committed to Guangdong and Taiwan's Hakka culture research and innovation.


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