November  2015 5
Film Review: From Border to Border (by Shih-fang Chung)
作者 戴瑜慧
Author Yu-hui Tai
關鍵詞 印度華人、客家、紀錄片、移民社群、中印戰爭
Keywords Indian Chinese, Hakka, Documentary, Diaspora, Sino-Indian War
摘要 此片紀錄的對象是居住在印度加爾各答的華人移民,並透過大量訪談不同代際、性別、職業的印度華人,勾勒出兩百年來五代華人移民在印度的生存處境。本片分為八個篇章,從移民史、語言、婚姻、職業等各個角度,讓觀者理解印度華人在印度社會的邊緣位置,種姓制度下遭遇的社會排除、華人社群的自我隔離、中印戰爭之後激化的制度性歧視與複雜的認同議題。
Abstract Taking place in Calcutta's Chinatown, From Border to Border depicts the two-hundred-year history of Chinese migration into India through a collection of oral interviews. This film has eight chapters and dissects the marginal status of Indian-Chinese in the Cast System, the social exclusion, self-segregation, the worsened institutional discrimination especially after the 1962 Sino-Indian War, and the complicated identity issues which have haunted the Indian Chinese for two centuries.


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