May  2016 6
Lineagelization and Localization of the Teaching of Patriarch Luo in western Fujian from Mid-Ming: A Study of the Genealogy of Great Vehicle Teaching
作者 張鳳英
Author Fengying Zhang
關鍵詞 羅教、閩西、宗族
Keywords Teaching of Patriarch Luo, Western Fujian, Lineage
摘要 民國13 年(1924)閩西羅祖教徒編修了教譜《大乘正教宗譜》,譜共三卷四冊,涉及福建省、江西兩省4 縣的20 餘所經堂,其中詳細記載了16 個主要經堂的師承關係,經堂附有經堂圖、墳地圖,部份經堂還有清至民國的土地記錄。利用《大乘正教宗譜》、閩西羅祖教科儀文書、地方傳說和口述材料,本文將討論明清以來羅祖教在閩贛邊界客家地區的發展。羅教在明末進入閩西,經歷過乾隆時期的打擊而沉寂,道光之後復興的羅祖教努力用儒家正統話語來洗白自己的歷史,又與地方信仰和傳說── 大聖信仰、地方名人傳說── 雜糅融合。宗族化和在地化成為羅祖教在閩贛邊界客家地區自清代以來的重要生存法則。
Abstract Disciples of Luo teaching compiled their sixth genealogy in 1924; it recorded over 20 temples of Luo teaching in western Fujian and eastern Jiangxi, especially in Ninghua, Qingliu, Mingxi and Shicheng county. Why did they compile their own genealogy? And in a Confusion way? Based on historical, textual and field studies, this thesis examines the history of Luo teaching from Mid-Ming to 1924. The development of Luo was strategic mode of action, challenges traditions through religious and social empowerment.


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