May  2016 6
Inter-racial Marriages between Hakka and Dayak in Siniawan, Sarawak
作者 林開忠
Author Khay Thion Lim
關鍵詞 異族通婚家庭、達雅族
Keywords Families of Inter-racial Marriage, Dayak, Bidayuh
摘要 砂拉越古晉省是客家人與達雅族聚集的省分,特別是在內陸的石隆門與倫樂縣;在這些縣分裡,客籍華人占了大宗。本文即是以石隆門縣的新堯灣周遭聚落的客家人與達雅族婦女通婚之家庭為研究對象。過往的文獻中,不乏對砂拉越華人與達雅族婦女通婚的紀錄,特別是擅於執筆抒發個人情感的白人統治者詹姆士布洛克,但他的描述都只是點到為止,且更重要的是他對砂拉越人群的看法深受當時局勢的影響。後來的學者也在這方面有所著墨,但也都只是佔其研究的一小部分,且多以公共慶典活動為主,無法詳細描述與分析私領域的異族通婚家庭生活。基於此,本文透過對客家人與達雅族婦女結合的通婚家庭,來瞭解影響異族通婚的環境因素及他們在宗教與文化上的安排。
Abstract Kuching Division of Sarawak is homeland for Hakka and Dayak population, especially in the interior areas of Bau and Lundu Districts; in these inland counties, Hakka being the majority among the Chinese. This article is based on the investigations of settlements around Siniawan where families of Hakka and Dayak (mainly Bidayuh) families are interviewed. In the previous literature, there were records and descriptions of Chinese and Dayak inter-racial marriages in the interior Sarawak, especially in the writings of first White Rajah, James Brooke, but his descriptions were very sketchy and his viewpoint was deeply influenced by the events happened at that time. Subsequent academic studies of inter-racial marriages in Sarawak tend to regard it as only a small part of the picture of Chinese history, and more emphasis on the public celebrations rather than the private field of family life of these inter-racial marriages. Based on this, the paper will discuss the environmental factors of inter-racial marriages and the arrangements of religion and culture in their respective family.


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