May  2016 6
Comment. Golden Melody Awards Ceremony: Cross-Cultural Communication between Hakka and Mainstream
作者 李宇昇、徐智俊
Author Yu-sheng Li and Zhi Jiun Xu
關鍵詞 主流,金曲獎,客家,溝通,跨文化
Keywords Mainstream, Golden Melody Awards, Hakka, Cross-Cultural Communication
摘要 金曲獎頒獎典禮是不分族群共襄盛舉的音樂活動,特別是在1993及1995年增設客家音樂相關獎項後,客家音樂工作者應該善用機會好好表現自己,進行文化交流,以增加主流觀眾的了解。本文以跨文化溝通的角度,特別針對四位客家歌手在典禮上的表現進行評論,並建議客家委員會要重視這項活動,主動提供專業意見讓客家族群有更佳的公眾形象。
Abstract Golden Melody Awards Ceremony is a musical event for people from different ethic backgrounds , especially in 1993 and 1995, when two Hakka-related music awards were added respectively, Hakka musicians should take this opportunity to introduce their work to the mainstream scene. This particular article takes a cross-culture standpoint to analyze four Hakka singers based on their performances on previous ceremonies. This article also considers that the Hakka Affairs Council should help to improve the image of Hakka in public.


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