November  2016 7
Introduction to the Special Issue on Communication Process and Hakka
作者 黃靜蓉
Author J. Sonia Huang
關鍵詞 傳播過程、客家電視節目、客家電影、客家廣播電台、客家族譜
Keywords Communication Process, Hakka Television Programs, Hakka Film, Hakka Radio Stations, Hakka Genealogy
摘要 二十一世紀是臺灣客家認同進入體制化的新階段,而傳播與客家也得以在此機緣下交會。這種跨領域與時空的交流,成為本期專題「傳播過程與客家」的核心命題。本期專題收錄4篇台灣傳播學者的客家研究論文,主題涵蓋客家電視節目、客家電影、客家廣播電台、和客家族譜在扮演族群通道角色時,與訊息、鼓吹者和受眾之間產生的交互作用。
Abstract Hakka identity in Taiwan enters an institutionalized stage in the 21st century and so does the relationship between communication and Hakka. The core proposition of this special issue is to examine the roles Hakka play in the communication process. The 4 research articles authored by communication scholars cover how Hakka channels such as Hakka television programs, Hakka films, Hakka radio stations, and Hakka genealogy interact with messages, sources, and receivers; what the process of interpretation and feedback look like.


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