November  2016 7
The Encounter of East Asian Hakka and Taiwan Hakka Television : A Case Study of Malaysian Hakka Audience
作者 魏玓
Author Ti Wei
關鍵詞 客家電視臺、馬來西亞客家、族群認同、離散、臺灣客家傳播政策
Keywords Diaspora, Ethnic Identity, Hakka Television, Malaysian Hakka, Taiwan Hakka Communication Policy
摘要 本文的主要研究目的在於瞭解在臺灣客家政策輔導下所生產的客家通俗電視文本,如何在海外客家族群中被接收,以及其與客家文化復振、客家認同維繫之間的關係,並以馬來西亞的客家閱聽人為個案研究對象。本研究透過文獻與田野訪談等方法,發現在既有傳播環境(臺灣客家電視臺的對外傳佈狀況以及馬來西亞當地的電視生態),以及馬來西亞社會與歷史等因素的作用下,馬來西亞客家族群極少接收臺灣的客家電視劇,而由於客語使用和客家認同在當地也處於式微,客家認同與接收客家節目之間亦很難建立起實質關係。但是兩地客家某種文化連結的可能性,仍然存在。
Abstract The article aims to discuss two questions. First, how are the Taiwanese
Hakka television programs, which are mainly guided and funded by the central government of Taiwan, are received by overseas Hakka audience?
Second, what is the relationship between the maintenance of Hakka identity of overseas Hakka people and their reception of popular television texts from Taiwan? The study uses literature reviews and in-depth interviews as research method and takes Malaysian Hakka as a case study. The result reveals that because of the current communications environment and the local historical
and social factors, the Malaysian Hakka audience rarely receive Hakka
television program from Taiwan. In addition, due to the continuous weakening
Hakka identity among Malaysian Hakka communities, it is hard to build a
relationship between the reception of Hakka television program and the
maintenance of Hakka identity. In spite of this trend, a possible cultural tie between the two Hakka populations still exists.


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