May  2017 8
Tung Flowers Blossoming on Facebook: An Exploratory Research of Hakka Communication and Social Media
作者 孫榮光
Author Jungkuang Sun
關鍵詞 客家傳播、客家桐花祭、客家電視臺、社群媒體、臉書
Keywords Hakka Communication, Hakka Tung Flower Festival, Hakka Television, Social Media, Facebook
摘要 行動通訊和社群網站的結合,給了客家傳播一個新的思考角度:在社群媒體──特別是臉書──成為訊息傳佈與人際溝通主流模式的基礎上,如何進行更有效果的客家傳播。本研究以問卷方式調查桃竹苗等地參與過客家桐花祭的民眾,了解其對桐花祭的興趣、取得桐花祭訊息的傳統與網路(含臉書)管道、以及相關的媒介使用行為及經驗。研究發現參與者對客家桐花祭的族群文化意涵並不關切,另外對桐花祭的興趣出現隨年齡遞減的現象;在媒體使用上,年齡較輕者傾向使用網路,年齡較高者傾向使用電視。客家傳播應加強臉書等新興社群媒體,並積極規畫各種方式呈現客家族群與文化意涵,使客家傳播得以開發新的、年輕的接收對象。
Abstract Convergence of mobile communication and social media has brought new opportunities and challenges for Hakka communication. This study surveyed people living in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli, where the majority of the residents are of Hakka ethnicity, and researched their sources for acquiring Tung Flower Festival- related information. It was found that festival participants did not pay as much attention to its cultural implications as expected, and that younger participants were less interested in the festival than older attendees. Moreover, television was what the older participants used for information, while younger people preferred the Internet. Therefore, to reach the younger generation, Hakka communication methods should integrate social media in disseminating Hakka culture events.


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