May  2018 10
Utterance-Final Particle honn in Hakka
作者 吳睿純
Author Jui-chun Wu
關鍵詞 客語、語尾助詞、言談語用功能
Keywords Hakka, honn, Final Particles, Discourse-pragmatic Function
摘要 本文以自然觀察法、言談情境填充問卷以及客語戲劇節目為語料,分析四縣客語中語助詞honn出現的環境及其言談語用功能。研究結果顯示出現在句首的honn31標示著某事件與說話者的前提假設相悖,說話者用honn31表達該事件與自己的期待不符,因而衍生出不耐煩或不以為然的語氣;句中的honn31和honn11則標示了說話者認為某事物的前提假設不足,需要再做補充或說明,兩者語氣上幾乎沒有分別,我們認為honn11應該只是區域性的聲調變體。出現在句尾的honn31和honn55則有說話者前提假設多寡的區別,一般說來,honn31標示了較多的前提假設,僅表示萬一聽話者認為該陳述有再協商的必要時,可提出反駁;而honn55則帶有較少的前提假設,標示說話者徵求聽者對其所說的話加以證實,有「請求確認」的功能。
Abstract This study analyzed the discourse-pragmatic function of the Sixian Hakka dialect's Utterance-final particle (UFP) honn. Our analysis was based on natural conversational contexts, including daily conversation, a discourse completion task, and television drama series. The UFP honn in Sixian Hakka has three tones, namely the shangsheng honn31, yangping honn11, and qusheng honn55. Our results revealed that honn31 occurs sentence initially, medially, and finally, whereas honn11 only occurs sentence medially, and honn55 only occurs sentence finally. Generally, speakers use sentence-initial honn31 to indicate that the proposition contradicts their expectations and to generate a tone of reluctance or disapproval. Sentence-medial honn31 and honn11 both mark a lower degree of presupposition; thus, additional supplementation and clarification are required. Sentence-final honn31 and honn55, conversely, differ in the degree of presupposition about a proposition. Normally, using honn31 implies a stronger presupposition than honn55 does.


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