May  2018 10
Transformation of a Hakka Village in Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Lo Wai Village
作者 江玉翠
Author Yuk-chui Kong
關鍵詞 香港、中國社會史、客家村落、荃灣、宗族
Keywords Hong Kong, Chinese Social History, Hakka Village, Tsuen Wan,
摘要 荃灣最初乃客家人聚居之地,1898年荃灣人口約三千,大部份是客家人,以漁農業為生。如今荃灣已成一個市鎮,變遷巨大,不再是客家人聚居以漁農業為生的地方。荃灣有不少的客家村落,如海壩村、三棟屋等,但很多客家村落已拆掉或人去樓空,雖然今日老圍仍有原居民居住,也有很多方面發生轉變。從其轉變的過程及原因,窺探客家村落、客家人在荃灣以至香港的變遷,這正就是其研究之價值。老圍村在1649年開村,距今超過350年,是荃灣區最早期有人居住的圍村之一,唯老圍則仍然存在,仍然具有生命力。
Abstract Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong has a large Hakka population. The Hakka population in Tsuen Wan was engaged in agricultural and fishing activities in the Qing Dynasty. In the 1970s, Tsuen Wan developed into a town through the New Town Development Scheme. Since then, Tsuen Wan has dedicated residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Along with urban development in Hong Kong, Lo Wai, an old Hakka village in Tsuen Wan, experienced some unavoidable changes in areas such as social networks, economic activities, and living styles. This study examined the reasons and characteristics of the transformation of the Hakka village in Hong Kong, using Lo Wai as a case study.


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