May  2018 10
Book Review: Embracing Islam: Exploring Hakkas' Experiences in Becoming Muslims in Indonesia (by Fen-fang Tsai)
作者 蔡源林
Author Yuan-lin Tsai
關鍵詞 東南亞研究、伊斯蘭研究、改宗、本質化、離散
Keywords Southeast Asian Studies, Islamic Studies, Conversion, Essentializing, Diaspora
摘要 本書評首先強調本書之於客家研究、東南亞研究、伊斯蘭研究的開創性貢獻;然後,就宗教改宗與族群認同的兩大核心課題,作者所採取的過程模式典範及解構族群的本質化論述,予以說明;最後,針對客家人與猶太人離散經驗的相似性,提出客家研究對全球族群與文化研究的可能貢獻。
Abstract This book review first emphasizes the ground-breaking contributions of this book to Hakka studies, Southeast Asian studies, and Islamic studies; second, deliberates the author's theoretical paradigm of the process model to religious conversion and deconstructionist approach to the essentializing discourses of ethnicity regarding Islam and Chineseness; finally, pinpoints the similarity between the Hakka and Jewish peoples' diasporic experiences and expects the possible contribution of Hakka studies to global ethnic and cultural studies.


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