November  2018 11
A Study on the Causes of Language Loss of Hakka in Contemporary Taiwan
作者 王甫昌、彭佳玲
Author Fu-chang Wang and Jia-ling Peng
關鍵詞 臺灣客家人、世代傳承斷裂、語言轉移、語言流失、客家人口調查
Keywords Taiwanese Hakka, Intergenerational Disruption, Language Shift, Language Loss, Hakka Population Surveys
摘要 本文透過2004年、2011年、及2016年三次全國客家人口與語言調查的資料,分析不同出生世代臺灣客家人客語能力的變化。本文指出三個客語傳承重大斷裂點發生的世代以及結構性因素的影響。第一次重要的世代斷裂,出現在1970年代出生者,主要是因為電視媒體普遍化的影響。第二次的斷裂則是發生在1980年代出生者,主因是越來越多的客家人離開客家人聚居地,進入族群混居地區。第三次的斷裂,則是發生在1990年代以後出生者,新的影響因素,則是此一世代有相當高比例是父母親為客家人與非客家人的通婚。除了這些結構性因素的影響外,結論中也討論其他個人性或家庭內因素的影響。
Abstract This paper examines the changes of Hakka language proficiency among different birth cohorts by analyzing three national surveys in 2004, 2011, and 2016. It identifies three critical intergenerational disruptions in Hakka language transmission. The first critical disruption among the 1970s birth cohort was caused by the emergence of TV as an alternative means of promoting national language. The second disruption among the 1980s birth cohort was mainly caused by massive migration from Hakka villages into the urban areas. The third disruption was found among the 1990s birth cohort, when parental ethnic intermarriages became more common than endogamy. The concluding section also mentions the influences of personal and other factors besides the structural factors.


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