November  2018 11
Homeland Image and Implications of Hakka Museums in Western Fukian
作者 黃信洋
Author Shin-yang Huang
關鍵詞 五次大遷徙、客家博物館、集體記憶
Keywords Five Migrations, Hakka Museums, Collective Memories
摘要 本文共分成五個部分:第一部分討論客家文化博物館聯盟在中國的出現與效應;第二部分討論中國的博物館以及贛、閩、粵邊區的客家博物館,主要探討的是中國一地具有廣義意涵的客家博物館;第三部分討論中國的客家博物館的展示主軸與客家意涵;第四部分討論閩西的客家博物館及其客家意象的詮釋方式;第五部分是結語,討論原鄉、故鄉與家鄉的意涵與展示層面的社會效應,說明客家博物館就好比現代客家族群的帕德嫩神廟,並闡述發展具有學術理性意涵的客家博物館的必要性。
Abstract This article is composed of five parts: Firstly, I will discuss the appearance of Hakka museum alliance in China. Secondly, I will discuss the general view of China museums and the museums in China Hakka areas. Thirdly, I will discuss the main points of exhibitions and Hakka implications in China's Hakka museums. Fourthly, I will discuss the Minxi Hakka museums and its ways of interpretation of Hakka image. Finally, I will discuss the meaning of homeland and the social impacts of exhibitions. Also, I will try to explain that Hakka museums are just like the sacred temples for Hakka people nowadays. Accordingly, it is very important for us to have a Hakka museum that is developed according to scholastic reason.


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