November  2018 11
Book Review: Research on Taiwanese Hakka Opera (By Rom-shing Cheng)
作者 施德玉
Author Te-yu Shih
關鍵詞 臺灣、鄭榮興、客家戲、客家三腳採茶戲、客家大戲
Keywords Taiwan, Cheng Rom Shing, Hakka Opera, Hakka three-role tea-picking opera, Hakka grand opera
摘要 客家戲在臺灣一百多年的發展,由歌舞而小戲而大戲,是受到客家族群喜愛的戲曲劇種。長年從事客家戲曲音樂文化事業的鄭榮興所撰寫之《臺灣客家戲之研究》,著實地為在臺灣逐漸發展形成的客家大戲,進行了深入淺出的記錄與發展軌跡之探討。
Abstract Hakka opera has been developed in Taiwan for more than one hundred years. It has grown from a musical dance, xiao-xi (a small scale opera) to a da-xi (or grand opera; a large scale opera), which is a very popular genre among the Hakka people. Therefore, Research on Taiwanese Hakka Opera, written by Rom-shing Cheng who has devoted himself in studying Hakka xiqu and music, has made a phenomenal contribution in recording the development of the popular Hakka opera in Taiwan.
This paper will make a close review on Rom-shing Cheng's Research on Taiwanese Hakka Opera. Firstly, I will discuss how he clarifies the definitions of xiao-xi and da-xi in different xiqu art styles and discusses the base of the formation of these art forms. Secondly, I will analyze his research on the origin, the formation and the features of Taiwanese Hakka three-role tea-picking opera. Thirdly, I will study the Ten Major Plays of the Taiwanese three-role tea-picking opera Cheng proposes. Fourthly, I will comment on the feature plays of Taiwanese Hakka opera. Fifthly, I will discuss his research on the establishment, development, and the present status of Hakka da-xi or grand opera. Sixthly, I will analyze the future direction and comment on the prospects Cheng proposes on Taiwanese Hakka tea-picking xiao-xi and da-xi.


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