November  2018 11
Introduction of Liudui Hakka Culturral Part, Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council
作者 何金樑
Author Chin-liang Ho
關鍵詞 六堆客家文化園區
Keywords Liudui Hakka Cultural Park
摘要 六堆客家文化園區位在屏東縣的內埔鄉,隸屬客家委員會客家文化發展中心,全區總計30公頃,於2011年正式對外開放營運,為ㄧ個兼具自然生態及文化展演的場域。也由於其「生態博物館」的定位,強調園區與六堆客庄及社區的連結,形成南臺灣客家文化網絡,並以保存及體現高屏六堆在地客庄深厚的常民文化資產為營運目標。
Abstract Liudui Hakka Cultural Park belongs to Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council. It is located in Neipu, Pingtung county, and started to operate in 2011. With about 30 hectares, this place functions both as natural ecosystem and cultural exhibition. Given that it marks itself as an ecological museum with the strong bond in local Hakka community, it aims to preserve the living experiences of Hakka people in Guoshang and Pingtung.


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