November  2019 13
評國際語言監察使協會,2019,《憲法先驅:語言監察使暨官方、少數族群、原住民族語言之保護》。加拿大:Yvon Blais出版社。xiv + 305頁。
Review: Amon, Hermann and Eleri James, eds., 2019, Constitutional Pioneers: Language Commissioners and the Protection of Official, Minority and Indigenous Languages. Montreal: Editions Yvon Blais. pp. xiv +305 .
作者 王保鍵
Author Pao-Chien Wang
關鍵詞 國家語言、語言監察使、國際語言監察使協會
Keywords National Language, Language Commissioner, International Association of Language Commissioners
摘要 本文就國際語言監察使協會(International Association of Language Commissioners)所出版的《憲法先驅:語言監察使暨官方、少數族群、原住民族語言之保護》專書,進行評論。本書共計15章,分成兩部份,第一部分為「語言監察使:制度及法律之風貌」,探討語言監察使的結構及制度;第二部分為「先驅工作者」,聚焦於語言監察使之功能、實作方式及影響。我國於2019年公布《國家語言發展法》賦予各國家語言之平等權及相關權利,本書相關論述可為精進國家語言政策之參採。
Abstract The essay reviews the book “Constitutional Pioneers : Language Commissioners and the Protection of Official, Minority and Indigenous Languages” published by the International Association of Language Commissioners. There are 15 chapters which are divided into two parts. Part one entitled“language commissioners: the institutional and legal landscape” examines the structural and institutional foundation that the commissioner needs. Part 2 entitled “the pioneers at work” focuses on language commissioners' functions, methods and impact. The Taiwan government promulgates the “National Language Development Act” to give all of the languages spoken in Taiwan equal status in 2019. This book could bring useful ideas for further policy-making.


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