November  2019 13
An Introduction of the College of Hakka Studies, National United University
作者 張陳基
Author Chen-chi Chang
關鍵詞 國立聯合大學、客家研究學院
Keywords National United University, College of Hakka Studies
摘要 國立聯合大學客家研究學院成立於客家人文薈萃的苗栗客庄,於2006年經教育部核准成立,設有客家語言與傳播研究所、文化觀光產業學系、文化創意與數位行銷學系、全球客家研究中心以及苗栗學中心,是一個著重客家產業發展,以數位資訊、經濟產業以及語言傳播等跨學科專業為基礎的現代化客家研究基地。
Abstract The College of Hakka Studies of National United University was established in 2006. The College is located in Hakka village in Miaoli, Taiwan. It is the home to modern and leading Hakka research — Institute of Hakka Language and Communication, Department of Culture Creativity and Digital Marketing, Department of Cultural Tourism, Global Hakka Research Center, and a center for Miaoliology. The college is aimed to elevate the competitive advantage of Hakka cultural industry.


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