November  2019 13
A Review of Global Hakka Studies (No.1 – No. 12): Content Analysis and Bibliography of Global Hakka Studies: 2013-2019
作者 許維德
Author Wei-der Shu
關鍵詞 客家、期刊論文、《全球客家研究》
Keywords Hakka, Journal Article, Global Hakka Studies
摘要 本文主要的目的在於回顧發表於第1-12期《全球客家研究》中的139篇文章。
Abstract The purpose of this article is to review 139 articles published in Global Hakka Studies during the past six years (No. 1 – No. 12). On the one hand, conducting content analysis, the author analyzed these articles based upon the criteria of article types, article themes, and referred areas. On the other hand, a bibliography was adopted to make a catalogue for these articles following the criterion of themes and areas
Keywords: Hakka, Journal Article, Global Hakka Studies.


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