November  2019 13
中英文客家研究相關學位論文書目彙編:2017-2018 年
Thesis Catalogue of Hakka Studies in Both Chinese and English: 2017-2018
作者 張珈瑜
Author Chia-yu Chang
關鍵詞 客家研究、學位論文
Keywords Hakka Studies, Degree Thesis
摘要 本書目共收入 479篇學位論文,包括 36篇博士論文 (臺灣16篇、中國13篇、香港2篇、英國3篇、美國1篇、加拿大1篇)、443篇碩士論文。
Abstract The catalogue collects 479 degree theses of the Hakka studies, including 24 PhD theses (of which 18 from Taiwan, 6 from China, 2 from Hong Kong, 3 from England, 1 form United States, and 1 from Canada ), and 443 M.A. theses.


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