May  2020 14
The Identical River Systems are demarcated by different generic names: The Historical Stratum and Spatiality of the Generic Names of River Systems in Southeastern Chinese Dialects
作者 程俊源、韋煙灶
Author Chun-yuan Cheng and Yen-tsao Wei
關鍵詞 水系、通名、漢語方言、歷史層次、空間意涵
Keywords River System, Generic Name, Chinese Dialects, Historical Stratum, Spatiality
摘要 地理語言學時能觀察詞彙的地理空間分布,藉以說明語言社群相互間的此疆彼界。本文從漢語東南方言水系通名使用的角度進入議題,融合地理學、語言學與歷史學的科際整合研究途徑,考察吳、閩、粵、客、贛、徽、湘等方言族群中的水系通名使用狀況,針對江、河、溪、川、水、港、坑……等語源進行討論,並探究這些河流通名在臺、閩、粵之閩語區與客語區的空間分布特色及其形成之因果關係,提出學理與文獻的論證。
Abstract Geographical linguistics can illustrate the boundaries of language communities through observing the geographic spaces of vocabularies. From the perspective of the use of water systems in Chinese Southeast dialects, this article intends to investigate the state of application of those generic names of river systems in Wu dialects, Min dialects, Yue dialects, Ke dialects, Gan dialects, Hui dialects, Xiang dialects, etc, integrating geography, linguistics and historiography into the approach of inter-disciplinary researchThis article also discusses the etyma of “江(Jiang), 河(He), 溪(Xi), 川(Chuan), 水(Shui), 港(Gang), 坑(Keng),”etc., and investigates these generic names of river systems' characteristics in spatial distributions and the causal relationship about how these names are formed within Min and Hakka in Taiwan, Fujian, and Guangdong.


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