May  2020 14
The Legal Foundation of National Languages and Regional Languages in Taiwan
作者 王保鍵
Author Pao-chien Wang
關鍵詞 國家語言、語言地位、地方通行語、語言能見度
Keywords National Language, Language Status, Regional Language, Language Visibility
摘要 本文以文獻分析法,運用憲法學及行政法學理論,就國家語言政策所涉及的「語言權利」、「語言法律」、「語言機關」三個概念,以「語言地位」及「語言能見度」為主軸,探討臺灣族群語言之國家語言地位及實施地方通行語之相關議題。本文研究發現為:(1)國家語言之法律地位,可促進語言權利發展,並復振族群語言。(2)地方通行語公共標誌,能提升各族群語言能見度,並提升族群自我認同。(3)客原複合行政區實施多種國家語言為地方通行語,涉多部法律競合,須建構爭議解決機制。
Abstract Following the analysis of the language rights, language Acts, and language institutions, the essay employs theories of the constitution and administrative law and literature review, to explore the issues of the national language and regional language in Taiwan. The paper found that (1) The legal status of the National language can promote language rights and revive the ethnic languages; (2) The public signs of regional language can enhance language visibility and promote ethnic identity; and (3) The government should establish a dispute resolution framework as multi-regional languages which are implemented in the Hakka-indigenous complex administrative districts.


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