May  2020 14
On the Reconstructions of *ȵ1 and *ȵ2 in Proto Hakka Initial System
作者 吳瑞文
Author Rui-wen Wu
關鍵詞 原始客語、比較方法、內部構擬、顛倒重建、歷史語言學
Keywords Proto Hakka, Comparative Method, Internal Reconstruction, Inverted Reconstruction, Historical Linguistics
摘要 本文探討O'Conner(1976)原始客語聲母系統中兩個舌面鼻音:*ȵ1-與*ȵ2-的擬測問題。O'Conner的方案是將*ȵ1-擬為*ŋ-,*ȵ2-擬為*ɲ-,主要依據是沙頭角客語的讀音。若把O'Conner的擬測與Norman(2011)所提出的漢語方言通音(Common Dialectal Chinese)進行比較,將面臨音韻對應上相當重大的困難。在重新檢視沙頭角客語的音韻系統之後,本文將原始客語的*ȵ1-擬測為*ɲ-,*ȵ2-擬測為*ŋ-。本文提出的方案不僅對內能解釋原始客語的演變,對外也能與漢語方言通音合理地接軌。另外,本文在方法論上有兩個重要的意義:一是依照歷史語言學經典的比較方法,從現代方言的觀點由下而上的建構原始客語,而非直接使用《切韻》來推導演變;二是利用「漢語方言通音」(簡化的《切韻》音系)與原始客語進行比較,從顛倒重建的觀點檢驗不同方案,從而找出更為合理的音值擬測。本文作為個案研究,不僅從方法上展示原始漢語方言擬測的可行性,更期盼喚起學界對原始客語擬測的重視。
Abstract In this paper, I reexamine O'Conner's reconstruction (O'Conner 1976) of *ȵ1 and *ȵ2 in his Proto Hakka initial system and address a new proposal for these two phonemes. O'Conner assigned *ŋ to*ȵ1 and *ɲ to *ȵ2 based on the Sā Tóu Jiǎo Hakka dialect. However, when comparing *ȵ1 and *ȵ2 cognates of O'Conner's system with Norman's Common Dialectal Chinese system, we encounter a severe difficulty in phonetic correspondences. After careful investigation of the Sā Tóu Jiǎo Hakka dialect's phonological system, I propose an opposite reconstruction by assigning *ŋ to*ȵ2 and *ɲ to *ȵ1. This approach? could not only explain sound changes in Hakka dialects but also build an efficacious and simple connection with the Common Dialectal Chinese system. Through this case study, I hope to demonstrate methodologically the feasibility of reconstruction in Proto Chinese dialects and evoke the value of reconstruction of Proto Hakka in academia.


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