November  2020 15
The Study of Re-designate National Hakka Day as Memorial day
作者 王保鍵
Author Pao-chien Wang
關鍵詞 全國客家日、紀念日、集體記憶
Keywords National Hakka Day, Memorial Day, Collective Memory
摘要 本文以文獻分析法就國內外法制規範及實作經驗,檢視「紀念日」及「節日」之差異,並運用公共政策理論,界定「紀念日」不但是「象徵型」政策工具,而且是「政治社會化」重要途徑。經檢視天穿日為全國客家日之訂定歷程,並分析全國客家日公聽會意見,本文建議全國客家日應定位為「紀念日」性質,並重定還我母語運動日(12月28日)為全國客家日。重定後的全國客家日,在紀念議題及活動,應彰顯臺灣客家運動(還我母語運動)及《客家基本法》對客家族群之意義,俾利客家集體記憶的建構。
Abstract The study employs a theory on public policy and the literature review method to explore the difference between the memorial day and holidays. The function of the memorial day is not only the utilization of symbols as a policy instrument, but also a form of political socialization. By reviewing the dispute and public hearing of the National Hakka Day, the paper concludes that the National Hakka Day should be defined as the memorial day and should
re-designate on the day of Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign (December 28). In order to build the Hakka collective memory, the commemoration of the new National Hakka Day should demonstrate the importance of the Taiwan Hakka Campaign (Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign) and Hakka Basic Act.


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