November  2020 15
評蕭新煌、張翰璧、張維安編,2020,《東南亞客家社團組織的網絡》。桃園:國立中央大學出版中心/臺北:遠流。1 + 287頁。
Review: Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Han-Pi Chang and Wei-An Chang, eds., 2020, The Networks of the Hakka Ethnic Associations in Southeast Asia. Taoyuan City: National Central University Press/ Taipei City: Yuan-liou Publishing Co. Ltd. pp. 1+287.
作者 黃信洋
Author Shin-yang Huang
關鍵詞 全球客家、老華客、新台客
Keywords Global Hakka, Old Chinese Hakka, New Taiwan Hakka
摘要 本文共分成五個部分:第一個部分討論的是過去的台灣海外客家研究、第二個部分討論的是本書的論述重點、第三個部分討論的是本書提出的新觀點:老華客與新台客、第四個部分討論本書論及的全球客家政策意涵,最後說明台灣的客家文化優勢。
Abstract This article is composed of five parts: the first part presents overseas Hakka studies in Taiwan. The second part addresses the main points of this book. The third part indicates the new concepts of this book: old Chinese Hakka and new Taiwan Hakka. The fourth part illustrates the global Hakka policies mentioned in this book, and the final part discusses Taiwan Hakka Cultural Advantage.


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