November 2021 |
17 |
頁數:101-182 |
客家博物館數位典藏詮釋資料欄位探討 |
Discussions on the Hakka Museums Digital Archives Metadata Structure |
作者 |
吳詩婷、顏上晴、傅鈺淇 |
Author |
Shih-ting Wu, Shang-ching Yeh and Yu-chi Fu |
關鍵詞 |
客家博物館、數位典藏、詮釋資料、編目、資料結構標準 |
Keywords |
Hakka Museum, Digital Archives, Metadata, Cataloging, Data Structure Standards |
摘要 |
博物館肩負著保存、傳承人類歷史文明、文化知識的重責大任,隨著網際網路的發展,文物數位化成了文化資產保存的重要方法之一。以保存客家文化為主要宗旨的客家博物館也逐步開展數位典藏,並有顯著的成果。不過客家博物館在數位典藏詮釋資料的發展與學術討論較少,亟需投入更多的研究,俾借助資通科技與數位環境,促進客家文化之發揚與傳播。因此,本研究由數位典藏詮釋資料結構標準之探討出發,以國內4間客家博物館建置之數位典藏網站或網頁為研究對象,依序分析、統整各網站內文物類型之詮釋資料欄位,將各網站欄位整合比較,並納入CDWA、DC及Object ID等數位典藏領域所發展的詮釋資料結構標準一併檢視,最後就探討之結果提出實務上之建議。
Abstract |
Hakka Museums, the main purpose of which was to preserve Hakka culture, have developed under academic discussions in the digital archives' metadata, and more research is urgentelyneeded to promote the development of Hakka culture with the help of information technology. This study started from the introduction of the data structure standards and chose the digital archives websites built by four domestic Hakka museums as examples. The metadata of those cases were analyzed and compared with the data structure standards developed in the digital archives fields such as CDWA, DC, and Object ID. Finally, practical suggestions based on the results of the study. |