November  2021 17
The Development History of Blue Dyeing in Taiwan and Tokushima, and Design Suggestions for Hakka Blue Dyeing
作者 賴志純、游庭昀
Author Chih-chun Lai and Ting-yun You
關鍵詞 客家、藍染、設計探討、設計建議
Keywords Hakka, Blue Dyeing, Design Discussion, Design Suggestions
摘要 藍染在臺灣曾有一度消失過,近年客委會針對藍染的推廣與付出不遺餘力但大多數以藍染染成的布料應用或藍衫去進行客家文化的推廣。同樣有發展藍染的日本卻能將藍染單獨發展。本研究從兩者的歷史背景與產品發展進行比較。將臺灣與日本的歷史狀況進行對照,從中找出延續發展的因素做為發展建議要素。再從兩者的產品歸納出兩方在發展中產生的因素及現況分析。將藍染優勢及重要性和雙方發展優缺點進行整理成建議並從問卷調查探討消費者角度產生差別的原因。後以QFD品質屋進行兩者在產品上需改進的差別與比較討論。將產生差別的原因融入優勢與重要性,依據QFD權重提出改善客家藍染現況的25點相關建議與設計發展說明。
Abstract This research compares the history of blue dyeing, summarizes the phenomenon and factors that occur from the process of blue dyeing craft developments, analyzes of the current situation and proposes suggestions. The research examined, the advantages and importance of blue dyeing and sorted out the advantages and disadvantages of the developments of both parties and provide into suggestions. QFD was used to discuss the difference and comparison between the two products that need to be improved. The reasons of the differences between the two products were synthesized and emerged into their advantage/features and importance. By forward 25 relevant suggestions and design development instructions for improving the current situation of Hakka blue dyeing based on QFD.


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