November  2021 17
評李文玫,2019,《客家敘說•敘說客家:一種文化 心理學的探究》。苗栗:桂冠。1+224頁。
Review: Li, Wen-Mei, 2019, Hakka Narrative/ Narrative Hakka: An Exploration of Cultural Psychology. Miali County: Laureate. Pp. 1+224.
作者 胡紹嘉
Author Shao-Chia Hu
關鍵詞 客家敘說、族群、社群、認同
Keywords Hakka Narrative, Ethnic group, Society, Identity
摘要 本文引介與評述李文玫(2019)出版之《客家敘說. 敘說客家:一種文化心理學的探究》一書,指出其似有將客家研究的主體由「族群」轉向「社群」的傾向。本文進而提醒身份與空間的敘述的不確定性及複雜性。
Abstract This article introduces and reviews "Hakka Narrative/ Narrative Hakka: An Exploration of Cultural Psychology " by Li Wen-Mei (2019). Li seems to have a tendency to shift the subject of Hakka research from "ethnic group" to "society". Then, the review reminds the uncertainty and complexity of the narrative of identity and space.


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