May  2022 18
Application of the Hakka Language in Classical Texts and Linguistic Research in the Tingzhou Region During the Early Ch'ing Dynasty
作者 吳中杰、張學年
Author Al Chung-chieh Wu and Xue-nian Zhang
關鍵詞 客語、清初、汀州、歷時演變、地理語言學
Keywords Hakka Language, Tingzhou, Early Ch'ing Dynasty, Diachronic Change, Geolinguistics
摘要 早在清朝前期的福建汀州文人,便嘗試將口語的文化質素,放進文言文為主體的古典詩歌裡,使其作品帶有或多或少的客語氣息。本文欲研究清初福建汀州的四首口頭韻文,一、長汀縣濯田鎮陳屋村人黎士弘的《閩酒曲》(1654),二、士弘之子黎致遠的《團團坐》(1709),三、武平縣武東鎮袁畲村人林寶樹的《元初一》(1699),四、永定縣區坎市鎮青坑村人廖鴻章的《勉學歌》(1737),做為汀江上、中、下游的代表。探討在方塊漢字的束縛下,當時的知識份子如何表現客語的音韻和詞意?本文並將臚列這些客語詞彙,和當代台灣以及浙南、閩西、粵東客語說法做出比較,闡明清朝以來的歷時演變,以及部份詞項變體在地理語言學上的分布意義。將探究其變化的原因、過程、和結果。
Abstract Literature in the Tingzhou region from the early Ch'ing Dynasty included the use of the Hakka language. Contemporary scholars have provided examples from a variety of dialects from different areas, including enclaves in Zhejiang and Taiwan, to reconstruct the linguistic development process. This paper discusses the phases of the development of the Hakka language in Tingzhou. The language of the people in the enclaves in Tingzhou changed slightly both phonologically and lexically, except for the pitch of the Qu tone; after this change, the Hakka language entered a stable era. Later, Hakka outliers exhibited gradual morphological and syntactical changes.


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