November  2022 19
Design of Artificial Intelligence Hakka Chatbot Service
作者 許雲翔、柯念廷、張陳基
Author Yun-Hsiang Hsu, Nian-Ting Ke and Chen-chi Chang
關鍵詞 客家諺語、客語學習、對話機器人、服務設計、人工智慧
Keywords AI Chatbot, Service Design, Hakka Proverbs, Hakka Language Learning
摘要 本文以AI客語對話機器人應用於客家諺語學習之研究為主題,將AI科技與客家文化做結合。研發一套對話機器人,能夠隨時隨地,不受時間、空間所限制,在線上分擔客語老師部分工作、或是成為客語老師的輔助教材,促進學生學習效率與熱忱,提供更完善的數位學習環境。系統開發採用雛型演進方式,其發展精神是在專案早期迅速設計、建構和運作一初步且高度簡化之雛型系統。根據使用性評估結果,機器人服務的互動都必須透過對話來實現,學習型對話機器人服務設計應該考慮到對話的特定對象,並且對使用者特性進行分析,在對話設計上要能夠更注重情感的交流,以提升整體對話機器人服務品質。
Abstract This study explored the design and development of an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot service for learning Hakka proverbs; it also investigated how AI technology is applied to the learning of Hakka culture. To increase the learning efficiency and enthusiasm of students and provide them with a comprehensive learning environment, the chatbot system was developed as a supplementary teaching tool that Hakka teachers can use at any time. The results of a system usability test indicated that interaction between the chatbot and its users must be achieved through dialogue. The specific needs and characteristics of users must be considered during the design and development of a dialogue-based educational chatbots.


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