November  2022 19
Memories of Investigating and Researching Hakka Regions in Taiwan
作者 渡邊欣雄
Author Yoshio Watanabe
關鍵詞 東京都立大學社會文化人類學系、生命史、學術史、日本學者、 客家研究
Keywords Department of Social Anthropology of Tokyo Metropolitan University, life history, academic history, Japanese scholars, Hakka studies
摘要 本篇為渡邊欣雄教授自述其於臺灣客家地區研究的緣由、過程、人際網絡與學術關懷之演變,由自身經驗交織臺日交流的學術史。演講分五段,以「人與人的關係」串連,第一段概述選擇研究漢人社會的背景,及當年進行臺灣研究的日本學術機構和學者們。第二段回顧他進入田野地的脈絡,透過臺灣學者牽線至屏東竹田鄉頭崙村,報導人們造就他對客家文化的認識。第三段描繪他與其他日本客家研究學者的交流,建立其對客家研究的態度。第四段敘述自身造訪中國客家地區的經驗,以及他與臺灣學者的討論,他認為臺灣客家研究應比較不同客家地區,也要反思研究的觀點。最後一段歸結他自研究所得,以及客家研究其與漢人研究的關係。
Abstract This article introduces Prof. Watanabe Yoshio's description of the changes in the reasons, processes, human networks, and academic concerns in his research on the Hakka regions of Taiwan, along with his experience in the history of Taiwan–Japan academic exchange. The description of “interpersonal relationships” involved was divided into 5 parts: (1) An outline on the backgrounds of his study on the Han Chinese society. (2) His understanding of the Hakka culture through his visit to Pingtung County. (3) His attitude toward Hakka studies through his exchanges with other Japanese scholars of the Hakka community. (4) His experience and insight from his visit in the Hakka regions of mainland China, and key points he considered important in distinguishing the Taiwanese Hakka community from other Hakka communities. (5) A summary on his research results and the relationships between Hakka studies and Han Chinnese studies.


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