May  2023 20
Analysis of S o undscape of Dadaocheng Pei-Kuan Voluntary Associations Based on Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo Digital Archive
作者 傅明蔚
Author Ming-wei Fu
關鍵詞 臺灣日日新報、北管、子弟軒社、大稻埕、聲音景觀
Keywords Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo, Pei-kuan, Voluntary Association, Dadaocheng, Soundscape
摘要 本研究透過分析《臺灣日日新報》文獻,將日治時期大稻埕北管子弟軒社的聲音景觀(soundscape),呈現在人文地理、自然地理、宗教地理交錯的特殊閾境(liminality)中。研究分為3個段落,第一部分搜尋報紙中刊載的北管子弟軒社,透過各類型關鍵字交叉搜索,找尋曾經存在於日治時期的大稻埕北管子弟軒社,以及它們與地方信仰中心的關係。第二部分透過前項搜尋結果,將報導內容依活動類型分類,挑選北管子弟以宗教活動為主的傳統演出形式,並統計出報導比例為60%,藉此描繪傳統戲窟的都市聲音景觀。第三部分則挑選出新文化、科技影響下的新興演出型態,例如灌錄北管唱片、參與日本皇族來臺的踩街遊行等,統計報導比例為37%,呈現聲音景觀的改變與時代風格。
Abstract By analyzing historical data in the Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo digital archive, this study explored the soundscape of Pei-Kuan voluntary associations in Taiwan's Dadaocheng neighborhood over time in terms of their human geography, natural geography, and religious geography. This study was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, I used keywords to search newspaper archives for articles on the relationship between Pei-Kuan associations and local religious groups. The results were grouped into those related to traditional religious activity (60%) and those related to new media (37%). In the third stage, I explored the soundscapes of traditional performances and modern performances in the city featuring the incorporation of new media and advanced technology, such as Pei-Kuan records and performances for the Japanese Imperial Family during visits to Taiwan. This study presents the unique soundscapes of Pei-Kuan music in Dadaocheng.


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