May  2024 22
Comment on “‘Hakka' Owner: The Immigrants of Teochew and Tingzhou and their Reclamation Business at Hsinchuang Taipei in Ching Dynasty”
作者 羅烈師
Author Lieh-shih Lo
關鍵詞 「客家」、潮州、汀州、移墾、新莊
Keywords ‘Hakka' , Teochew, Tingzhou, Reclamation, Hsinchuang
摘要 陳志豪與黃宥惟所著《「客家」業主:清代臺北新莊地區的潮州、汀州籍移民及其移墾事業》以兩個家族個案為中心,討論18-19世紀汀潮兩籍「客家」在新莊地區的發展過程;又以此為基礎,探討此區域與桃園地區客家族群的互動關係。本文分別從「地方社會之形成」以及「臺灣客家分布之動因」兩視角,討論其研究成果,並展望其「『客家』研究」成為「客家研究」的可能性。
Abstract With two cases of Lineage, the two authors of “‘Hakka' Owner: The Immigrants of Teochew and Tingzhou and their Reclamation Business at Hsinchuang Taipei in Ching Dynasty” discussed the procedure of the reclamation of Teochew and Tingzhou migrants at Hsinchuang in Taiwan. For the more, they also explored the discussion to the relationship of Hakka between Taipei and Taoyuan district. This comment, with two approaches of the formation of local society and the cause of the Taiwan Hakka living area, reviews its achievements, and prospects the possibility which from ‘Hakka' research to Hakka research.


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