November  2024 23
A Bibliometric and Social Network Analysis of Literature on the Topic of Education in the Hakka Studies
作者 張翰璧、張陳基
Author Han-pi Chang and Chen-chi Chang
關鍵詞 客家研究、教育發展、書目計量分析、社會網絡分析、語言政策
Keywords Hakka Studies, Educational Development, Bibliometric Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Language Policy
摘要 本研究針對客家研究領域中「教育」主題的相關文獻,透過書目計量分析與社會網絡分析方法,探討其發展脈絡與研究趨勢。研究蒐集了2004年至2022年間156篇學術期刊論文,運用人工編碼進行文獻的標題、作者、摘要及關鍵字的分類,並結合共現性分析識別出五大研究主題:客家文化、客語教學、語言政策、多元族群與族群認同。分析結果顯示,客家文化教育主要集中於大學通識課程,而客語教學則聚焦於國小與學齡前沉浸式教育。語言政策涉及母語教育與多元文化的推動,多元族群探討族群互動,族群認同則關注語言與文化的維繫。本研究發現,雖然客家教育研究蓬勃發展,但在教學設計創新、成效評估與資訊科技應用方面仍有進一步提升的空間。本文建議未來加強對教學理論、資訊科技融入教育的探討,以促進客語教育的永續發展。
Abstract Hakka research has experienced considerable growth in recent years, highlighting a growing need for comprehensive integration and contextualization of studies on Hakka communities. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis and social network analysis of literature focusing on “education” in Hakka research. By employing a cross-sectional approach, the research team developed coding formats and standards, manually encoded bibliographic content, and used social network analysis tools to analyze the collected data. On the basis of a co-occurrence analysis of keywords, 156 journal papers related to Hakka education were categorized into 5 clusters: Hakka culture, language teaching, language policy, multi-ethnic society, and ethnic identity. The findings suggest a need for future research to expand in several directions, specifically, exploring innovative teaching designs and evaluating teaching effectiveness in Hakka education. Additionally, additional efforts are required to integrate information technology and contemporary teaching theories into the study and practice of Hakka education.


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