November  2017 9
Introduction to Studies on Hakka in Singapore and Malaysia
作者 黃賢強
Author Sin Kiong Wong
關鍵詞 新馬、客家、文化、認同、族群互動
Keywords Singapore-Malaysia, Hakka, culture, identity, dialect group interaction
摘要 新馬客家文化與跨國商業網絡的關係、客家移民與僑鄉的聯係、客家與其他族群的互動、以及客家人的自我認同和他人認同分別為「新馬客家」專題論文四篇文章的焦點。本專輯的每篇文章在研究方法、研究對象、以及學科的切入方面都有所不同,正可顯示新馬客家研究的多題材和多研究視角的特點。
Abstract The study of Singapore-Malaysia Hakka is the theme of this special issue. The focus of the 4 thematic articles includes relationship between Hakka culture and trans-national business network, connection between Hakka immigrants and their home villages, interaction between Hakka people and other dialect groups, and self-identity and recognition of others. Each article adopts a different research method, focuses on a different research subject, and utilizes a different disciplinary approach. This special issue showcases the multi-thematic and multi-perspective characteristics of the studies on the Hakka in Singapore and Malaysia.


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